He represents values I respect; that which is sometimes necessary in life to achieve your goal. Every now and then you just need to lower that head and go for it…Rhino up!
Tear away the toughened skin and find the inner beauty we all have. Inside each one of us is a fragile being. Nurture it, share your heart and expose your passion for life. Look past that mirror, the face that consumerism moulds, and allow yourself to be raw, vulnerable and exposed to the elements. Share your fear but don’t become your fears! Ride the highs and lows of life with a bloody big smile on your face! Then you are ready… to rejoin the human race…
We all have power and strength, but what you choose to do with that is entirely up to you.
Size H 1200mm x W 1000mm x B 45mm
Artist Darren Trebilco
Solitude Art © ®