

‘Sun God’
Sun God - Solitude Art Gallery

Look to the east and find the horizon. There you stand at dawn, waiting in silence for the eruption of the first rays of the mighty ‘SUN GOD’. She radiates crimson, orange, ochre, full of strength, courage and blazing power! She has blessed us with towering forests, warm waters and an abundance of life. Earth’s provider.

The ever present sun bursts forth, sharing her energy with friends and foes alike, giving without favour to all living things on this beautiful planet. The ‘SUN GOD’ does not discriminate and shares with all… So take in her glory and filll your heart with the sun’s warmth. Be kind and giving to yourself and your fellow beings. Share the embrace of the eternally generous ‘SUN GOD'; an example for all of humanity.

Now take a moment and look west for one final glimpse before she dips below the horizon, falling with the dusk. Give thanks for the undying companionship of the sun, her rise at dawn long taken for granted. Express gratitude for the teachings she offers as we journey around her in the timeless dance.

Share, Love and ‘BE LIKE THE SUN’.

Media Acrylic on Board

Size H 1260mm x W 1060mm x B 30mm

Artist Darren Trebilco


Solitude Art © ®


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Solitude Art Gallery

The Solitude Art Gallery / Open Studio is located on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, nestled in leafy Glenview.

Meet and talk directly to artist / owner, Darren Trebilco. View new artworks in development on the easel and interact with Darren as he works on his latest piece of original, unique art.