Whats been happening at the Gallery…
What’s been happening at the Gallery…
After completing my Archibald Portrait entry piece and then backing it up with a successful EOFY FLOW NOW Sale, I took some time out. It was an opportunity to recharge, spend some time with my fiancee Danielle and to concentrate on some other activities, offering some much needed time out from the shop front of the Gallery. I managed to spend some time on a few projects I have been wanting to do but have been unable to achieve while maintaining Gallery trading hours….
Here is what I got up to over my time out…
New Signs - New Main entrance sign for the Solitude Art Gallery/Open Studio…
Keep a look out for the new road sign for the Solitude Art Gallery… Sorry, artist Darren Trebilco is not for sale!
New entrance sign for the Solitude Art Gallery…
New Business Cards - New business cards for the Solitude Art Gallery and Open Studio featuring the amazing ‘ULYSSES’ Check out the full details of ‘ULYSSES’ HERE
Earth works - Plenty of work going on with some excavator work increasing the drainage and beautification of the surrounding area at the Solitude Art Gallery and Open Studio
Pebbles - Solitude Art Gallery has received the first delivery of Western Red Pebbles for the entrance to the Gallery. A second delivery will be coming after the completion of the new drainage works in to the entrance section adjacent to the car park.
Clearing some old energy - Artist Darren Trebilco up on the chain saw clearing away some the old energy around the Solitude Art Gallery. This has allowed further light in for these the colder winter months…
Universal Symbols – Totem - With symbols channeled by the amazing Ken Dowling, these totems can now be purchased through the Solitude Art Gallery / Open Studio or by contacting Ken directly (details below).
Size: 1 metre High
With 6 Symbols (painted) on the front of sculpture $295 each.
Or Symbols painted on all four sides of Totem is $450 each
As each Universal Symbol Sculpture is individually handmade by Ken, it is best to email or phone us directly when you are ordering your personal Sculpture. Just choose a style and budget that suits you and Ken will create a piece that is personally made for you. The value of the individually created sculptures do not vary from the standard price list on the online store.
When ordering your sculpture please phone or email for shipping costs.
Phone: 07 5447 9990
Mobile: 0447 798 921
Email: kenneth.dowling@bigpond.com
*Please contact Ken during business hours (Mon-Fri).
Universal Symbols has also supplied the Gallery with a pack of Healing cards so you now can do your own reading at the Gallery…
Universal Symbols readings: Select one or more cards to do a reading for yourself or others. Simply select your cards, placing them down symbol side up and take a moment to focus on each symbol to allow the energy of your card to filter into your being.
Once you have felt the energy of your symbolic reading, turn each card over and read the intention of your message. Always remember that energetic readings are metaphoric or symbolic, they are not meant to be rigorously analysed or interpreted.
Just understand what it means for you and for your journey and always retain your power over your life creations.
You can purchase these cards through the Univesal Symbols online shop HERE
View other Artwork in Darren Trebilco’s Portfolio HERE