Product Description
The day is now washed away in a silhouette of glorious colour. Vibrant oranges punctuate the hues of blues as the sun sets on another day. The sun has barely faded over the horizon as this gigantic luminous ball rises up in all of her glory. It has been now 16 days since the birth of our daughter and the end a new cycle for the Moon.
A significant month, with this the second full Moon for March. With the Equinox just passing and now the Full Moon peaking, it is time to reflect. To be thankful for our blessings and the beauty of what we have created over this month. Such an extraordinary event to be a part of the birth your child and watch her take her first breath. We are now custodians of a beautiful little soul. Such an interesting time to be in.
To have all of that beautiful energy coming in from the Universe, you have to release the old, no longer needed ways of the past. To let go and surrender that which no longer reflects the journey we seek to create. And to allow more energy and space for abundance.
In doing so, we will find clarity and awareness for our new journey. We give thanks for our little daughter Aadya and the ‘LUNAR RISING’ on March 31st 2018.