Product Description
Turn to face the sun, let the sun light kiss your skin and cascade over your face. Soak it in.
Now draw a deep breath and close your eyes. Just imagine for a 1/100th of a second that your are weightless, floating free into nothingness. Free from any restrictions. Free your mind.
Free from judgement, free from distractions, free from a negative world. Everything just fades away. And you are just left here in the rich silence, a blackness so dense that you do not know where it starts or finishes.
As you float in the vast nothingness, there is a burst of bright light. Drips, dabs and pops of colour everywhere exploding all over your eyes. Millions of dots firing at you and consuming you. The intensity overwhelms you enjoy!
Can you see it? I know you see and feel them…
Feel the warmth on your spirit as it soaks through everything. Immerse yourself in this vibrant light. As you sit with your body, allow your mind and body now to float and connect with the Universe. Watch as these flashes of colour merge into one focal point. The intensity of the point quickens as you now realise that you are the SOURCE of all knowing. You are the focal point. You are the infinite being of ABUNDANCE. You are one with the Universe. You are your own universe. Your spirit now flows freely between you and every living thing. You are one with everything.