As I sit here writing this blog, I am full of anticipation to be reunited with my 2015 Archibald portrait entry, ‘THE MAN WHO HAS NO IMAGINATION HAS NO WINGS’…
I have to admit, I really enjoy viewing my artwork in the months after I have completed a piece. During the painting process, I am so heavily engrossed that I do not see the work as a whole. Just as dash here, a dab there. Fully immersed in the spirit of the piece, I allow the energy to flow through me. Sometimes it feels as though I am just a conduit for these artworks to emerge.
When my piece is delivered back to me, I will feel like a kid in a candy store! It will be like viewing the thing for the first time! Delight…
As I take a moment to reflect back to the last few months, I realise a lot has happened since I first started painting this magnificent piece. The time out that I have taken from the studio since I sent it away has been a great opportunity for me to rejuvenate, spending time with my fiancée, Danielle and time by myself. These periods of reflection have been rewarding, looking back on what has been accomplished and how far I have come as a person and a professional artist in these short years.
Today, I had a sudden epiphany. While I was looking into my dreaded tax for this year, I stumbled across one of my old tax folders that showed my sold artworks for a previous year. There, like a message from the Universe, was a picture of an amazing self portrait that I completed in 2012 called ‘GUARDIAN’, which now resides in a private collection in Victoria.

Darren Trebilco’s 2012 Self portrait ‘GUARDIAN’ very interesting changes Since Trebilco’s 2015 Archibald entry ‘THE MAN WHO HAS NO IMAGINATION HAS NO WINGS’
The first thing that struck me was that I had painted myself with wings. How could I have forgotten such a thing? It seems that, even back then, I had a connection with wings, but one that I had never thought to investigate. Now, subconsciously, I have again painted wings on my self-portrait. I have come to believe that both of these artworks are my way to honour the strong spiritual connection I experience with my feathered friends and my evolving relationship with the Universe over the years.
The second thing I noted was the body language on both of these pieces. My previous self was a broken and damaged man, slumped in exhaustion after passing through the fires of hell, while my present portrait could not be more different as I open my arms wide to life, empowered and at peace. How much these portraits reveal of the journey that I have taken over these past three years, as a person and as an artist….
Both of these amazing artworks hold significance for me. Both depict strength yet vulnerability, exposing me to the world’s judgement. They also mark major turning points in my career as an artist.
Even in those dark uncertain times of ‘GUARDIAN’, I still allowed myself to be RAW, OPEN and EXPOSED by sharing my soul with the world….
I present here for you both artworks so that you may feel their energy and decide for yourself what it may all mean. And on that note, no more words are needed.

Darren Trebilco 2015 Archibald entry ‘THE MAN WHO HAS NO IMAGINATION HAS NO WINGS’ and Trebilco’s 2012 Self portrait ‘GUARDIAN’ very interesting changes….
View other Artwork in Darren Trebilco’s Portfolio HERE
Artist Darren Trebilco